You would be knowing for sure as now all the big bloggers with many writers use adsense revenue sharing hack for blogs.What actually it is about?.As many still would be not knowing about it,Like suppose i own a blog and run it.Now there are also,3 more authors to my blog who also write for my blog.Now the blog is owned by me but it have 4 authors including me who are very active on my blog to post and i have been using adsense adds at the beginning and end of the post to make some money out of it.
Now problem comes here,as how to distribute or share the revenue with other authors of my blog to give there share,as it becomes difficult to check how much the authors post is contributing to revenue of blog.So the thing only can be done is to show the adds of the that author google adsense account on posts done by him/her.As this will give him the exact revenue he deserves for doing that post.
I hope now you would be clear what i was talking about.Now this hack is very simple in wordpress blogs as plugin is available for it.Now i would like to tell you how make this work in bloggers.If you really have many authors to your blog-you can really use this hack to attract more authors and give them the reason to work hard for posting on your blog,which would give them the real revenue they deserve for that post.
As the best part is,if the author had previous posts on your blog,the adds will appear on that posts too automatically.Now how to implement it in blogger.